Complete Rehab Guide

Clinical Instructor Masterclass: Bridging the Gap From the Classroom to the Clinic With PhysioU

Sometimes, clinical rotations can feel like a sink or swim situation for instructor and student alike– Join Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC, Product and Education Manager at PhysioU, for a top-level discussion about best practices, key strategies, and important tools to optimize clinical rotation experiences and improve the transition to the clinic.

00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

02:45 Common Challenges

07:00 PhysioU Key Academic Drivers

08:04 Key Tools to Conect the Classroom to the Clinic

10:30 Inside the PhysioU suite apps

15:22 E-Learning / MicroLearning Tasks

19:18 Benefits of using simulations

27:25 Professional Behavior Content

41:10 Teaching Tips for the clinic

56:14 PhysioU Summer Release

56:35 Questions/Ideas/Comments

59:10 Student Cost

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo

Pharm to Table: Leveraging Pharmacology Case Studies to Build Clinical Reasoning into Treatment Planning

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder and Chief Learning Strategist at PhysioU and Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC, Product and Education Manager at PhysioU, for a strategic discussion and demonstration of the Pharmacology app and use of case studies to improve clinical reasoning and student understanding in the entry-level classroom.

00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

02:15 Dr. Doris Yu Introduction

03:25 Classroom Challenges

06:15 Why Pharm to Table?

08:47 Pharmacology App

20:14 Questions/Comments

30:25 Pharmacology Case Studies/Bookmarks

39:53 Pharmacology Simulations

46:00 Are students buying textbooks?

48:26 Flip Your Classroom

49:50 Enhance Synchronous Discussion

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo

Lessons Learned with PhysioU: A Faculty Panel Discussion

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder and Chief Learning Strategist at PhysioU, along with Dr. Ashley M. Reedy, PT, DPT, BSPTS, and Dr. Jeffrey Kittelson, PT, ScD, COMT. This expert panel of faculty from around the country will take an in-depth look at their experience with implementation, teaching strategies, outcomes, and more. Come with your questions and see how PhysioU is helping faculty redefine physical therapy education for the next generation of learners.

00:00 Michael Wong Introduction

01:08 Melissa Cole Introduction

01:15 Using the Pediatric Gait VR

01:21 Jeffrey Kittelson Introduction

01:24 Using the ROM, MMT, and Palpation app

01:34 Using the Orthopaedics app

01:40 Ashley Reedy Introduction

01:43 Key Discussion Points

01:45 Challenges and Overcoming Challenges

01:48 Pre-Lab Activities

01:52 Theory of Innovation Cycles

01:54 The Great Disruption

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo

Improving Student Learning in Post-Op Management

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder and Chief Learning Strategist at PhysioU for a look at the new Post-Op app. Join in a discussion of what content you would like to see added and how standardized protocols can help to augment student learning.

00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

00:42 Webinar Overview

01:30 Common Challenges

04:45 Post-Op App

21:00 How are faculty teaching this currently?

23:22 Rehab Progression Pyramid

41:42 Supporting Students Through the Entire Curriculum

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo

A Smarter Approach to NeuroAnatomy- Leveraging VR and Video Learning for The Modern Learner

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder and Chief Learning Strategist at PhysioU for a deep dive and collaborative discussion about the NeuroAnatomy app and simulations. Explore how VR can change the way you integrate neuroanatomy content in your classroom.

00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

01:00 Team Introduction

03:00 Why PhysioU?

08:50 Neuroanatomy App

22:14 Neuroanatomy Simulations

43:38 Next Webinar

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo