
Faculty Webinar: Using this Interactive Laws & Regulations solution to enhance your teaching (California)

We are excited to invite you to our premier webinar hosted by Dr Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, our co-founder and Dr. James Syms, PT, DSc, the author of Bringing California Jurisprudence (Laws and Regulations) to life with PhysioU e-learning. You will have the first glimpse into this one-of-a-kind interactive e-learning solution to address the top challenges in learning Laws & Regulations in the Physical Therapist/ Physical Therapist Assistant curriculum.

0:00 Founder Introduction

00:01:22 Problem

00:04:45 Licensure

00:05:39 Best Practice

00:06:42 Solution

00:07:20 e-Learning Modules

00:09:10 Jurisprudence Exam Prep

00:10:14 Module 4 Simulation

00:29:40 Comprehensive Study Guide

00:32:03 Best Application

00:34:16 Big Picture

00:36:38 How can students purchase this?

00:47:14 How to integrate this in the classroom

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources


Using the PhysioU app: NeuroAnatomy to enhance your teaching.

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

0:00 Founder Introduction

00:18 Introducing Charlotte Chatto

00:3:07 Problems to solve

00:3:49 Augmented Reality to the Rescue!

00:4:23 Technology enhanced learning!

00:4:59 Play to learn

00:6:10 NeuroAnatomy app

00:13:36 Faculty side bar

00:42:50 NeuroAnatomy Explorer

00:44:32 Learn by Slice

00:45:16 Learn by Tract

00:53:15 Neuro Simulations Updated

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources

ROM/MMT, Surface Anatomy Palpation, SIM

Using the PhysioU apps: PROM/MMT, Surface Anatomy Palpation, SIM to enhance your teaching.

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

0:00 Founder Introduction

01:20 Key questions

04:40 Surface Anatomy Palpation

0:10:12 Graded exposure for Motor Skill Training

0:19:20 Interactive Worksheets

0:29:02 ROM, MMT, and Palpation

0:46:00 How to get to the Surface Anatomy app

0:49:28 ROM, MMT Simulations

0:57:35 Next Weeks Webinar: NeuroAnatomy

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources

Physical Agents & Simulations

Using the PhysioU apps: Physical Agents & Simulations to enhance your teaching.

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

0:00 Founder Introduction

00:02:30 How to enhance skills in class

00:05:02 Physical Agents app

00:41:19 Simulations

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources

Clinical Pattern Recognition-Orthopaedics

Using the PhysioU apps: Clinical Pattern Recognition-Orthopaedics to enhance your teaching.

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

0:00 Founder Introduction

00:45 How to enhance learning skills in the classroom

03:47 How are great clinical minds crafted?

04:26 Scaffolding Phase

06:25 Application Phase

08:29 Clinical Pattern Recognition Worksheets

0:16:59 Formative Simulations

0:40:20 Strategic Partnership with JOSPT

0:58:39 Lab Handouts

01:02:20 Case Studies

01:04:00 Mentor Evaluations

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources