
Enhance student learning with PhysioU Simulations

PhysioU Simulation is going live this summer. Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT in this interactive discussion to explore the new simulations to enhance student learning in clinical reasoning development.


OR, Watch the webinar!

0:00 Introduction

0:45 What led to Simulations

2:53 Objectives

3:46 Founder Introduction

4:42 Strategic Partnership with JOSPT

4:27 What is PhysioU

5:56 App Development Pipeline

6:32 What are simulations?

17:50 Increasing need for simulation based learning

20:37 Benefits of Simulations

20:50 Who has been doing it for over a decade?

3:46 Simulations way of the future

24:05 Where do simulations fit on Bloom's Taxamomy

24:41 Common reported challenges

25:00 Sims Reflections

29:19 Releasing this Summer

34:37 Watch the following video

40:14 Video goals

43:03 Mini games

1:02:12 Inter-Professional Education

1:07:57 How to help students engage more with PhysioU

1:15:37 Comments, questions, and ideas?

Helpful Links: Faculty access | Free faculty resources

Faculty Deep-dive webinar: Using PhysioU to enhance your Early Clinical Foundation courses

Join PhysioU's Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT takes faculty into a deep dive on how to use the PhysioU apps to enhance the fundamental clinical skills curriculum


OR, Watch the webinar!

Faculty webinar: Using PhysioU for deep learning in Physical Therapy Education

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT in an interactive discussion about PhysioU apps for deep learning and how the apps are being used in the classroom.


OR, Watch the webinar!

PNF App is finally here!

Dear Faculty Fellows,

The Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation App (PNF) has been added to your PhysioU Web App Suite!

Announcement from Dr. Michael Wong

App WalkThrough and Lab Handouts

You can find the PNF lab handouts here.

If you are a faculty member and don't have a PhysioU login, please submit your request here.

Please feel free to start using it and sending us feedback to education@physiou.com. We can make adjustments "Over the air"!

Faculty Webinar: Simulation Deep Dive

Explore the new simulations the PhysioU team is building for clinical reasoning development. Round table discussion about curricular needs related to simulations.

Sign up for your faculty access for you and your colleagues by emailing us at care@physiou.com