Live webinar

Neurologic Rehabilitation & PNF

Using the PhysioU apps: Neurologic & PNF to enhance your teaching.

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU for a 30-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

0:00 Founder Introduction

0:20 Introduction to Sara Kraft

00:57 Introduction to Amy Radu

02:05 Introduction to Mary Hudson-Mckinney

02:46 How to introduce neurorehabilitation intervention procedures

05:26 New things in PhysioU app

07:10 Neuromuscular Rehab app

13:13 Basic Techniques for Teaching

15:55 Case Study Worksheets

18:30 Task Analysis Test Items

25:30 PNF app

39:10 Simulations

58:18 PhysioU Prices and Faculty Access

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources

NeuroExam & Task Analysis

Using the PhysioU apps: NeuroExam & Task Analysis to enhance your teaching.

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU for a 30-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

0:00 Founder Introduction

0:50 Mary Hudson-McKinney

3:20 NeuroExam App

11:15 Educator Resources

21:23 Pediatric Neuro

23:05 Neuro Sims

33:42 Task Analysis App

49:34 Outcome Measurement Tools

54:47 Educator Resources Webinars

58:20 New Content Coming up!

59:35 Gait App

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources

Assistive Devices

Using the PhysioU app: Assistive Devices to enhance your teaching.

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU for a 30-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

0:00 Founder Introduction

1:00 Curricular Standards

1:40 Assistive Devices

8:25 Gait Patterns

17:09 Stairs

19:49 Bed Mobility

26:54 Microlearning and MiniSims

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources

Acute care Simulations, Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, Lines & Tubes

Using the PhysioU apps: Acute care Simulations, Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, Lines & Tubes to enhance your teaching.

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU for a 30-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

0:00 Founder Introduction

02:15 Cardiopulm Rehabilitation App

04:13 Outcome Measures

04:51Component of subjective exam

07:22 Physical Exam

10:01 Objective Tests

15:44 Interventions

20:50 Teaching Content

22:13 Lab Handouts

27:25 Lines and Tubes

29:07 Case studies

30:59 Acute Care Interactive review

34:34 How to access lab handouts

38:00 Case studies drop down access for Faculty

44:12 Inpatient Rehab with Jennifer Nash

47:20 Next Faculty Friday - Dec. 17th

49:35 Faculty Resources

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources

Physical Agents

Using the PhysioU app: Physical Agents to enhance your teaching.

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Founder of PhysioU for a 30-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

0:00 Founder Introduction

1:27 Physical Agents App

5:26 Using Videos in Class

8:10 Other uses under Videos

11:52 Case Studies for Videos

14:18 Posting Videos to Lectures

16:19 Faculty Resources Lab Handouts

19:32 Dry Needling Plans

22:01 Physical Agents Vendor Brands

27:36 Sims

40:35 Graded Exposure for Motor Skills Training

42:12 Next Week: Faculty Friday

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources