Live webinar

Assistive Devices App and Simulations: Easy Resources to Improve Motor Learning

Join Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC, Education Lead at Clinical Pattern, for a strategic discussion about assistive device content in the entry-level classroom. See how PhysioU has distilled this content into a manageable format for entry-level students and practitioners.

00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

02:06 Webinar Overview

03:19 Common Challenges

05:50 PhysioU Suite Apps

09:34 Assistive Devices App

39:20 Assistive Devices Simulations

53:05 Supporting Students Through the Entire Curriculum

59:45 Questions/Comments/Ideas

01:06:13 Coming Soon on all the apps

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo

All Things Neuro: Neuroanatomy, NeuroExam, and NeuroRehab Apps for Your Classroom

Register today to join in the discussion of all things neuro; we will discuss how to upgrade your neuroanatomy lab using augmented reality (with no special tools), connecting neuroanatomy to functional impairments with the NeuroExam app, and taking the headache out of motor skill learning during lab with the NeuroRehab app. Join Clinical Pattern Education Lead, Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC and Clinical Pattern E-Learning Lead Dr. Kristen Moore, PT, DPT for a deep dive into the neuro toolbox, including a sneak peek at our latest innovations.

00:00 Mike Wong Introduction

01:35 Webinar Overview

02:17 Common Challenges

05:43 PhysioU Suite Apps

09:03 NeuroAnatomu App

23:13 NeuroExam App

31:13 NeuroRehab

42:14 Neuro Simulations

52:03 Questions/Comments/Ideas

56:48 Supporting Students Through the Entire Curriculum

58:10 Next Faculty Friday

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo

Standardizing the One Stop Shop for Post-Op Care

In a sea of post-operative protocols, students often become overwhelmed, frustrated, and confused. The team at PhysioU has run into the same problem in our own classrooms and were inspired to build the Post-Op app. Join Clinical Pattern Education Lead, Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC for a dive into the Post-Op app for standardized, evidence-based protocols, shareable patient education pages, and overviews of the most common surgical procedures.

00:00 Tracy Moore Introduction

01:00 Webinar Overview

01:20 Common Challenges

04:22 PhysioU Suite apps

07:50 Post-Op app

29:25 Educator Resources

32:34 Supporting Students Trought the Entire Curriculum

33:50 Next Faculty Webinar

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo

Improving Student Learning in Orthopedics: Easy Ways to Upgrade Musculoskeletal Labs With PhysioU

The next generation of clinicians live in a digital world; the amount of information at their fingertips is staggering, but also overwhelming. Join Clinical Pattern Education Lead, Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC, and award-winning orthopedic physical therapy professor Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT for a high-level discussion and app demonstration to learn some very easy ways to support teaching and learning in the classroom. Register today to join the discussion.

00:00 Mike Wong Introduction

01:25 Webinar Overview

02:14 Common Challenges

05:20 PhysioU Suite apps

07:00 Orthopaedics App

28:15 Educator Resources

32:28 Graded Exposure for Skill Development

39:00 Less Can Be More

39:50 Using PhysioU Step by Step

42:00 Simulations

58:50 Supporting Students throught the Entire Curriculum

59:00 Comments/Questions/Ideas

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo

Medical Screening From the Classroom to the Clinic: A New App Tutorial

Training the next generation of clinicians requires a deep understanding of clinical reasoning and patient-centered care. As the landscape of healthcare continues to evolve, it is more important than ever for students to develop competence in medical screening and referral. This is why we are so excited to introduce the medical screening app to you. Join Clinical Pattern Education Lead, Dr. Tracy Moore, PT, DPT, ONC for a deep dive into the new app. Learn how to teach your students the essentials of evidence-based medical screening, no matter your subject area. Register now to save your seat!

00:00 Mike Wong Introduction

04:19 Common Challenges

09:50 PhysioU Suite apps

18:00 Educator Resources

19:05 Medical Screening app

55:36 Graded Exposure for Skill Development

56:24 Supporting Students Through the Entire Curriculum

Helpful Links: Complimentary Educator access | Educator resources | Set up a Demo