CLINICAL REASONING SIMPLIFIED / e-Learning & simulations by PhysioU
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Guideline-based modules
Simulations completed
Yearly web app pageviews
How do PhysioU simulations simplify student learning?
Short, patient-based scenarios designed to help students apply and analyze knowledge in a simulated clinical environment. Typically 5-10 minutes long, and multiple-choice, matching-based items.
Simple, short, and easily deployed. These mini-assessments help the students draw on the knowledge they have acquired and can be used as quizzes or exam preparation.
Typically broken into several “chapters” consistent with the components of an evaluation or treatment sessions, and often used as homework or pre-work. Students will be able to synthesize and apply content that they have already been exposed to.
Our modules are mapped to CAPTE Standard and NPTE Content Outline.
Designed to help students further develop their reasoning skills after they have learned the basics related to posture. Simple clinical scenarios have been created so that students can link postural faults to possible impairments of body structure and function. These impairments are then logically connected to interventions, with sample videos (of the techniques) so that students can connect the dots to techniques that they may not yet have learned. These sims are relatively simple and formative in nature.
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Learn more about how 60% of physical therapy programs in the United States are transforming learning with PhysioU
Curricular Standards
FSBPT: NPTE-PT Test Content Outline - BODY SYSTEMS:
Musculoskeletal System / Gastrointestinal System / Genitourinary system
Integumentary System / Metabolic & Endocrine
CAPTE: PT Standards and Required Elements
Patient/Client Management / Screening
7D16 Determine when patients/clients need further examination or consultation by a physical therapist or referral to another health care professional.
Acute Care Interactive Review
FSBPT: NPTE-PT Test Content Outline - NON SYSTEMS:
Safety & Protection
Physical AGents Simlations
FSBPT: NPTE-PT Test Content Outline - BODY SYSTEMS:
Therapeutic Modalities
CAPTE: PT Standards and Required Elements
Patient/Client Management / Screening
7D16 Determine when patients/clients need further examination or consultation by a physical therapist or referral to another health care professional.
Neuro Simulations
CAPTE: PT Standards and Required Elements
Patient/Client Management / Screening
7D16 Determine when patients/clients need further examination or consultation by a physical therapist or referral to another health care professional.
ROM, MMT & Palpation Simulations
CAPTE: PT Standards and Required Elements
Patient/Client Management / Screening
7D16 Determine when patients/clients need further examination or consultation by a physical therapist or referral to another health care professional.