Hip Pain with Radiating Pain
Do you or a family member have pain in your bottom that shoots down your leg? Do you have pain down your leg after sitting for long periods of time? That pain pattern is similar to that of piriformis syndrome. Look below for some things to consider!
o If you do not know the common clinical findings no problem! Click here
Image via Complete Anatomy 2018 by 3D4 Medical
Common Movement Fault
A common movement pattern seen in patients that suffer from piriformis syndrome is adduction and internal rotation of the femur. This movement can occur many times through the day going down stairs, squatting, sitting cross legged, or even sleeping on your side and allowing your knee to fall to the bed without putting a pillow between your legs. It is always important to watch how people move! (Click image to watch 1-2 minute video)
Special Tests
A good clinical test to consider when evaluating someone you suspect has piriformis syndrome is the FAIR test. Which is used to rule in/rule out piriformis syndrome by putting the piriformis on stretch. The straight leg raises test can also be useful to determine if there is any neural involvement contributing to the lower extremity pain. (Click image to watch 1-2 minute video. LEFT | RIGHT)
Therapeutic exercises chosen should always closely match treatment given in clinic. It is also important to correct the movement fault to prevent future irritation of the tissue source! This video shows the therapist correcting the patients squatting form. (Click image to watch 1-2 minute video)