Lateral Knee Pain
Image via PhysioU
Is your patient presenting with lateral knee pain potentially related to a recent increase in frequency of sport or physical activity? If lower extremity biomechanics are subpar, the iliotibial (IT) band may be the source of tissue irritation!
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Image via Complete Anatomy by 3D4 Medical
Special Tests
The Ober’s test is commonly used to assess the length or stiffness of the IT band! (Click image to watch 1-2 minute video)
If pathological tension is present in the tensor fascia latae (TFL) or in the IT band, soft tissue mobilization via foam roll can be beneficial! (Click image to watch 1-2 minute video)
Therapeutic Exercise
Rehabilitation programs should address both tissue source and the underlying mechanisms causing tissue pathology. In the case of IT band syndrome, a common mechanism seen is a femoral adduction/internal rotation movement fault. Assess and treat up and down the chain!
(Click image to watch 1-2 minute video)