Faculty webinar: PhyisoU in the Athletic Training Curriculum — PhysioU

Faculty webinar: PhyisoU in the Athletic Training Curriculum

Join Dr. Michael Wong, PT, DPT, OCS, and Dr. James Syms PT, DSc for an overview of PhysioU apps and how they can be used to enhance the athletic training curriculum!

Presentation Deck here

0:01 Welcome and Introduction to Dr. Michael Wong, PT DPT OCS FAAOMPT, Founder PhysioU and Dr. James Syms PT DSc ATC, PhysioU AT content lead

6:42 What is PhysioU- Rehab related educational web apps

7:24 PhysioU and Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT) Partnership

7:52 Overview of PhysioU apps and app development timeline

9:57 Five ways to use PhysioU apps in your curriculum, #1 Scaffolding for Deep Learning- Overview of the Clinical Pattern Recognition: Orthopaedic rehabilitation apps

32:20 Motor skill training in the Online environment with PhysioU videos embedded into your lab handouts and LMS using the PhysioU master video cheat sheet

40:43 Overview of Fundamental Skills apps

40:53 Splinting app

43:00 Range of motion, Manual Muscle Test and Palpation app

47:34 Assistive devices, gait training, transfers, and wheelchair app

50:00 Physical agents/modalities app

52:47 Using simulations to improve learning (modalities)

54:46 Using Clinical Pattern Recognition worksheets to pre-expose students to common conditions

58:16 Gait app for teaching movement

1:03:06 Gamifying gait analysis

1:05:33 Survey data about PhysioU app impact on learning

1:07:18 Apps in Development and Call for Collaboration!

1:08:25 Cost of apps to students

1:10:20 Free access for all faculty and students due to COVID-19 pandemic through summer semester till Aug 15, 2020

1:17:13 How to sign up for free access for all students www.physiou.com/coronavirus

1:17:38 How to sign up for full faculty access for faculty colleagues
